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"Calmer playtimes and improved behaviour"

Peer Mediation - St. Mary Redcliffe Primary, Bristol 

St. Mary Redcliffe Primary, Bristol



We had the pleasure of training 35 children from St. Mary Redcliffe Primary to be Peer Mediators on the 12th and 13th April 2018. The children have now introduced their service and we look forward to hearing about their experiences.


The Head Teacher, Marie-Thomas is the former head of Clifford and Wellington Primaries and her experience of the positive impact of running this service led to an invite to us to work with her new school. Our training included working with a child who had impairment of sight and hearing; his ability to summarise the narratives of children in role-play was inspiring and we could see that he would work very well in mediation with children in Reception  and Year 1.


From St. Mary's Newsletter 20th April 2018:


Peer Mediation: 
We are pleased to be launching a Peer Mediation service at SMRP. 35 children from Year 4 and 5 successfully completed 2 days training last week and we were impressed with how well they engaged with the course. They learned how to be good listeners. and how to use these skills to help children who have had a disagreement to come up with their own solutions.  The service will begin from Monday 30th April. 


In January 2019 Carol Slinn, the Peer Mediator Co-Ordinator for St. Mary Redcluffe untook training of the next cohort of children - keep it up Carol, thanks you!





Wye Valley Mediation is regulated by the Family Mediation Council and the Family Mediators Association.

Claire Jackson of Wye Valley Mediation is an affiliate member of Resolution, and a member of The Association of Wales and Border Counties Mediators.

© 2022 Wye Valley Mediation CIC 9772225

Fred Bulmer Centre, Wall Street, Hereford


Contact: 07947 959220 |

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